Before anything else: because of the contradictory * YOOtheme Proprietary Use License on which the Widgetkit was originally published, I prefer to NOT provide here the Widgetkit package for download. Instead, I will only provide this version as an update for those websites that are still using the original old Widgetkit 1.5 version once purchased and therefore where the Joomla! version itself is still old, such as 2.5 or 3 and who thus want it to upgrade, while still keeping the exact effects setup provided by the original Widgetkit 1.5 version.
Specifically, the Polaroid ** pictures effect. More info in the article below.
* Contradictory, because once it says “The Software is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL)” and then it states that “These Terms of Service do not grant you any right, title or license to copy, reproduce, sell, or otherwise distribute any part of the intellectual property”, a statement which effectively breaks the GPL license terms.
** Addressed to those who still know what a “Polaroid” picture is :)
Just recently I had to fix a technical trouble to an old Joomla! based website. That web site used a picture layout effect called “Polaroid” (as I found out from the page code), that turned out to be part of an old version of an extension called “Widgetkit”, developed by YOOtheme GmbH.
While I was trying to convince the owner of that website about the need to update Joomla! to the latest version (which in the end I didn't succeeded), I investigated the availability of that extension in terms of compatibility with the latest Joomla! versions. So I found out that the Widgetkit extension still exists and is actively maintained, but to my surpise I also found out that the Polaroid effect was removed many years ago, inspite of a few random user requests for this effect to remain available in the newer versions.
Because (one) I happened to find the effect interesting, (two) because I considered abandoning it a loss (well, at least for some) and (three) because I considered plain stupid to stick a web site to an older Joomla! version just because of an extension, I tried – and succeeded – to adapt that old Widgetkit to become compatible with Joomla! version 5. Not quite all of its widgets, but most of it – just read next or see the demo.
Things going as expected:
Regarding the Map widget, this shows up live and well on the newer Widgetkit version, therefore here is no big deal about this not-so-well-working old version: if required, then just pick up and use the newer Widgetkit version. As for Twitter/X, I simply have no opinion, because I don't know what use it would have had; if it would have been useful to you (under Joomla! version 5), bad luck :)
Things known to be not working (yet) as it should:
I also have to mention that this old Widgetkit includes a section related to something called “ZOO”, but because this sounds like a short for zoological garden (and the same for Tiergarten in German) and since I was never interested in animals on web, I never bothered to take a look at it.
[... still working on this article ...]